miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013


             I am so sick of all this, is it so hard to understand what i want? don`t I speak an human language or  I  am just being treated like a stupid?
              All i ask from you is time, time to make up my mind and my heart.My felings aren`t the same they were and I want to understand them. Why won`t you let me? You say you think about me, but you aren`t . You wanna be happy , but what about me?Don`t you see I don`t smile anymore and I am not the same?Your drama pushes me more and more away.You ask too much and you can`t accepte me as I am. You want me to be like you, to act like you, talk like you, but is there place for me? Can you love me without tryung to make me a doll from your head?I am sorry , but I have a life, my own one, a personality and my own thoughs!
          I`ve asked for time because I need it. I know,I always make decisions quickly, but not this time. Now I relly don`t know what  I am going to chose. I want to have some time to reconsider things. What`s so hard to understand?
         I can`t take it anymore! I can`t!!! I don`t want!This is me, bad and good. Accept me or get out of my life definitively!!!

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