miercuri, 8 noiembrie 2023


 The view is beautiful. The hills of the hillsides display different shades of green, as if spring and summer have intertwined. The wind blows quite gently for such a late autumn day, and the weather is surprisingly pleasant. The sun is high in the sky, but its light is faint. It shines weakly, as if it hasn't had his morning coffee. Everything looks so beautiful and bohemian. Somewhere in the background, a belated cricket serenades his beloved at the door, as if saying good morning. I would say the whole place is enveloped in enchantment because the thin mist around makes you feel like you're looking at everything through a delicate silk fabric. 

The scent in the air is slightly sweet, but I believe it's because of the person next to me. I'm on the balcony. On a closed wooden balcony somewhere in the middle of Bucovina. Somewhere where civilization has not fully taken hold yet. Probably that's why the place is so special. To my left is a man you wouldn't expect to see around here. A man with an oriental air and with a pure aura like a mountain river. A man who looks at me with such a sweet gaze, as if I were made of sugar. Who is he? How did I end up here? What's actually happening? Well, there's much to say, feelings to experience, tears to shed, and smiles to share. Hello, I'm Raya. A blonde girl with blue eyes, quite common, but this story is not mine. This story belongs to her. My friend. So, let's see where it all began...

Chapter 1


I'm tired. I'm so tired, but at the same time, so happy. I've just flown the most hours of my life. It was a long journey, honestly, but considering I came to this special country, it doesn't matter anymore. Why is it special? Well, because I've been dreaming of coming here for years. And here I am. I've just stepped off the plane, and I'm still trying to figure out if I'm dreaming or if it's all real. I've arrived in Incheon. More precisely, I've arrived in Korea. I can't express the happiness I feel right now. I've been dreaming of this for so many years, and here I am. The truth is, I feel a bit scattered, but I'll snap out of it as soon as I see a cheerful redhead in front of me. A tall girl, with reddish hair in shades of a sunset and eyes as lagoons. She is my sunshine, Mogu. Next to her is a petite girl with long, black hair cascading in curls over her delicate shoulders and eyes as clear as a night sky. She is my moon, Mochi. Both of them are smiling from the depths of their hearts. You can see it even in the corners of their eyes. In their hands, they hold a banner with many stickers that says: 환영 Raya!! (hwan-yeong). 

"My queens!!" I can only exclaim and run towards my dear friends. "I can't believe I'm here. I missed you both so much!" I say while hugging them both at once. The emotions are overwhelming, and tears stream down my face. I feel embarrassed for a moment, but then I lift my head and look into their eyes, seeing the same emotion mirrored back at me. The moment tastes sweet. A euphoric sweetness.

 "How was the flight? Did you manage to sleep?" Sabina starts bombarding me with questions, eager to know everything as quickly as possible. Andreea looks at her, then at me, takes both of our hands, and starts walking. 

"What if we go and talk more when we get home?" We can only follow her lead and head towards the airport exit. I still feel like I'm dreaming, looking around like a child left in Santa Claus' town. The road home is peaceful. None of us say anything, just occasionally glance at each other and squeeze hands, smiling. The longing between us is palpable and cannot be hidden.

 When we reach our destination, I pause for a moment to take a deep breath before entering the house. The house I've just stepped into, where I'll spend the next three months, belongs to Sabina. She's been living here for a year. It's been too long since I last saw her. Too long if you ask me. Because it's been a year since I last saw her, Andreea and I decided to pay her a visit. Initially, it was supposed to be a short one, but due to Sabina's insistence, it turned into a longer trip. Andreea arrived a week before me, as I postponed my plans due to some personal issues. Andreea lives in a different city than mine, and even though it's in the same country, we've only managed to see each other twice this year. So, the three of us decided it's time to reunite and conquer the world again.

 Sabina's apartment is small but very cozy. It's warm and welcoming, with many cozy shades. As soon as you enter, there's a small kitchen connected to the living room. An island separates the kitchen from the living area. In the living room, there's a small couch, a table, and a television. Attached to the living room, there's a balcony with many plants. On the balcony, there's a small table with two benches and fairy lights strung along the railing. In the living room, next to the TV, there are two doors. One leads to a small and clean bathroom, a bit strange to me. Strange because you can wet the entire bathroom; it doesn't have a shower cabin. Back home, you wouldn't find something like this. At the other door, there's a small and simple bedroom. A bedroom with a large bed. Next to the bed, there's a tall lamp. Opposite the lamp is a cupboard with a built-in desk. Her home is simple, beautiful, and welcoming. I feel at home here. 

"It's not much, but it's okay for now. You know I'm renting this place. Next year when you come, we'll stay in my personal apartment on the 22nd floor." "

"Stop, please. It's more than perfect!"

 "That's what I've been trying to tell her since we arrived. It's just amazing for me." 

"Maybe for you. I'll feel better when I achieve what I set out to do." 

"DEFINITELY!!" both Mochi and I shouted, already knowing what Sabina wants. "You know, sometimes I find it fascinating how well we know each other." 

"Raya, I've told you before, we are part of the same soul family. It's natural for us to know about each other." As usual, Sabina is very convinced of our astral connection. She's so convinced that she makes us believe it too. The truth is, I can't really argue with her when there have been too many coincidences. Many times, I knew what one of them meant to say, or I could feel when they were sad or happy even if we were thousands of kilometers apart. And these are small things, but they add up. 

"Raya, what do you want to do first?" 

"Hmm, honestly, have a coffee. After everything." 

"I expected that answer from you."

 "We'll do everything, especially since it's the first time we're all here."

 "Anyway, we have a surprise for you." "Andreea, I said we wouldn't tell her yet!" 

"I know! But I couldn't wait!" 

"OK, OK, what happened? What's the surprise?" 

"We're going to Ateeeeeeez! We have tickets for all three of us to see Ateez!"

 I look at them, not knowing how to react. They're looking at me with wide eyes, as if they've grown puppy ears like in anime. They're waiting for my reaction, but I don't have one. I'm too overwhelmed. Overwhelmed because I can't believe I'll finally attend their concert. The girls come closer to me and don't say anything, looking almost scared by my lack of reaction. "Raya..." 

"Raya... if you don't want to, you don't have to go." 

When I heard that, I understood they completely misinterpreted my reaction. "You're kidding, right?? Of course, I want to go! HELL YEAH!" 

Well, now the girls are relieved and laughing. Clearly, this was the reaction they were hoping for. And truthfully, it was my most genuine reaction. Ever since I became a fan, I've always wanted to see them in concert. And to go with my best friends is even better. 

"When? Where? What should we wear?" "Hey, hey, take it easy. Breathe, and we'll tell you."

 And that was it. We sat down, talked, and they filled me in on the date and location. And so the plans began. That evening was all about the concert and how it would be. And honestly, it was a magical first night spent with them. I didn't care about the tiredness; it was just the soulful comfort I received that mattered. It was therapy for me, so I decided to postpone the moment of delivering that news...


The three of us are here. I had to convince them to come to my place finally. I really would have liked to host them in my apartment, but this is fine too. The moving plans are already in progress, but I'm not sure if they should know yet. I don't know what to do. They haven't seen the tickets yet, but how do I explain why I have backstage access? How do I explain what's happening since I promised not to tell him? I don't like to lie to them. I have to play it cool because they can read me immediately. I can't tell them I know him. 

Flashback .

Today is nice. I'm glad I went out to have my coffee. Since I moved here, I've grown quite attached to this café. It's not overly fancy, but it's not too simple either. This décor calms me and gives me a sense of comfort. I love these large windows and the warm light that streams through them. Not to mention the taste. The coffee here is incomparable to any I've ever tasted. And trust me, I've tried many cafes, both at home and here. It's clear, this café has become my soul's café. It amuses me that the barista already knows me and knows what I want. It makes me feel even more at home. 

I haven't been out for a while, but today, I was really craving that bittersweet taste. Despite feeling good, I also feel oddly strange. I feel watched, and I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not. I subtly glance around to satisfy my paranoia. At the corner table to my left, there's a person. They're dressed in black, wearing a cap and a mask. I'd say it's suspicious, but it's quite common here in Korea. I choose not to believe that the person is following me. I finish my coffee in peace and leave. The problem is, I still have that unsettling feeling in my stomach. I decide to take larger, faster steps, and my heart skips a beat when I hear the same sound behind me, just like my footsteps. I shouldn't have ignored my paranoid feelings, and now I find myself in an unpleasant situation. I stop for a minute, breathe, and decide to confront the issue. I turn around and see the person in front of me, their head down quickly.

 "Excuse me, can I help you with something?" My Korean isn't extraordinary, but it's understandable. "It's not that, but I feel like you've been following me for a while, or am I mistaken?" 

"You're not mistaken..."

 His voice sounded soft but pleasant. It sounded somewhat shy but horrifyingly familiar. I try to look at him and see who he is, but he hides quite well. "Who are you, and why are you following me?" He raises his head and looks into my eyes. Then I freeze. He didn't need to say anything. I knew very well who he was.

 "-Sabi!!! Earth to Sabi!" 

I blink a few times and see Raya in front of me, looking puzzled. I need to snap out of it. "Where were you? I called you several times, but you didn't respond."

 "Sorry, I was lost in thought." 

"Is something wrong? Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." 

"Is Mama Raya activated? I'm fine, dear. Just tired. You know I'll tell you if something's wrong." I look at her and realize she knows I'm lying, but she doesn't say anything. Anyway, I really can't tell her. 

"I can't wait to go to the concert. I'll see the boys right in front of me! Unbelievable. I need to calm down." 

"You're 'adorobol'  when you do that. Is Andreea sleeping?" 

"Yes, she was tired. She said she'd take a shower and then sleep. We should sleep too, but I can't calm my excitement." 

"Go ahead, be happy. After all, moments like these will keep coming. I'm sure. You never know what the future holds." 

"Mogu... let's make this vacation the most beautiful memory." 

"We will." 

"I never want to forget this experience."

 "You won't."


 "I promise."

 I said that from the depths of my soul. I really want it to be unforgettable, I want to show the girls everything beautiful here so they can fall in love with this country just like I did. And even though I've been completely honest, I can't shake off this feeling of something being off. Maybe I'm just tired. That evening, while the whole house was sleeping, my thoughts were in turmoil, and I couldn't close my eyes. I had the impression that it was the beginning of the end.


As usual, I'm the earliest riser. I don't even have to get out of bed to know I'm the first one awake. It's quiet in the house. From outside, only the sound of some stray cars can be heard. I'm sure the girls stayed up late chatting last night. I would have liked to join, but I was too tired. It's alright; I'll stay up tonight. Anyway, they always stay up late. Being the first one awake, I think it would be nice to wait for the girls with coffee ready. After all, the three of us are caffeine addicts.

It's cool inside the house. It's that morning chill. Even though it's morning, it's quite bright. The light is warm enough for a winter day. It's a light that seems to call me outside. So, I wash up, put on a light makeup, dress warmly, and step into the crisp yet warm morning air. I think pastries for breakfast would be nice, so I set out to find a place to buy them. Despite the sun being out, it's quite chilly, to be honest. I feel my nose turning red, and I find this contrast amusing. I'm immensely glad to be back here. I missed this part of me. I missed strolling down these crowded streets filled with contemplative people. I have to admit that winter looks different here, and yet, it's beautiful. Right now, I feel incredibly bohemian, like I'm the main character in a K-drama.

The walk was soothing, and the croissants I bought smell amazing.

"Hey... I didn't know where you disappeared to..." 

"Good morning! I thought I'd prepare something for you since I was the first one up." 

"Sweet as always."

 "I got pastries and coffee." 

"Did someone say coffee??" 

Of course, Raya perks up like a rabbit when she hears about coffee. I find her unpredictability amusing. 

"Yes, my angel. Coffee just for you."

 "See, that's why I love you so much." 

"What about me?"

 "Of course, yes. The three of us against the world."

 Sometimes I think very seriously about the three of us, and I can't understand a lot of things. We have so much in common, and yet, we're so different. The interesting part is that we never fight. One of us always diffuses the spark, or we simply choose to communicate, and everything is fine. Sabi is right; we all belong to the same soul family.

"So... what's our plan for today?"

 "You're not even here for long, and you already have plans." 

"Mogu, logical. It's the first time, so you two will be my guides for at least a week." "Sounds good. Do we choose, or do you?"

 "I'll leave it in your hands." 

That's exactly how I was when I first came here. My first trip here was one that stayed etched in my soul forever. I want to convey the same emotion to Raya.

"Girls, I have some business to attend to at lunch, but I'll see you in the evening." "Business? With whom?" 

"Oh.....well, you know. Meeting with an investor to talk about business." 

"If it's about business, I'm in too. Plus, I can handle things at home; maybe I can help you here too."

 I sense a strange atmosphere in the air, and I don't know how to react. I see Sabi, then I see Raya, and I realize I need to intervene. It's clear that Sabi is hiding something, but if she is, it means she can't tell us what. Either Raya knows or she truly doesn't see, but apparently, she's putting Sabi in a strange situation. 

"Raya, you're on vacation; leave work. It's just the two of us going out." 

"Yeah, you're on vacation; leave work." 

"I know I'm on vacation, but I said that, well..." 

"Or maybe you don't want to go out just with me?" Emotional blackmail always works with her.

 "Of course, I want to. Fine. You'll let us know when you're done, Sabi."

 "Sure. When I'm done, we'll go to a grill restaurant."


I'm glad I managed to change the subject. It's clear that Sabi is hiding something. I hope everything is okay. I don't want to press her or anything, but if there's a problem, I don't want her to endure it alone. We're both here for her. I'll give her a few more days, and then I'll try to tell her she can trust us. I feel a bit of anxiety, to be honest.

"Alright, let's get ready and go out; I can't wait anymore." 

"Fine, fine! Should we play some music?" 

"Of course! DJ Sabi, turn up the music!" 


 These simple moments are some of my favorites. To sit and sing together while we do our makeup. To dance together while we get dressed and truly laugh. I'll miss this...